For Bricatta’s mobile apps (Google Android & Apple iOS), we do not collect and store any personal data from you without your knowledge, but 3rd party software that we use may do so. We only collect necessary info for push notifications, such as device-id, device-language, app version and notification id.
Our app will access & collect this data when the app is launched, and if permission is needed, a request dialog box will appear for the user to either allow or deny access. Any data collected by us will be limited to the use of push notification and to inform the user about important information. It will not be used for any marketing or promotion purpose. This data is stored securely in our own servers and will not shared or transferred to outsiders or third parties.
GPS Tether Apps (Server & Client)
For the GPS Tether Server & Client apps, no personal data is collected by us. Only basic device data required for push notification is collected by us.
Location data (GPS data) is not collected by us, or stored in the device. The background-running feature (where the app runs in the background) is needed so that location data (GPS data) is always available & tethered (which is the purpose of this app).
Other Apps
Some of our apps which require user to create an account, we will only have certain data stored such as email address and other data that you choose to store. As mentioned above, this data will only be used by us and not shared or transferred outside.
The software used to develop the apps does keep analytical data about your app usage and is covered by our development engine here.
Some apps may use Google’s Analytics (also known as firebase) and is covered here.
For Apple iOS apps, it may use Appleās Game Center and is covered here.
If the app has advertisements, we only use AdMob advertising. In this case, AdMob does collect your data and their privacy policy is covered here.
This privacy policy may change from time to time depending on our mobile apps and business. If you have any questions, please use the contact form box to contact us.
Last updated at 11:29am, 27-Aug-2024 (GMT +800)